
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kandinsky Torn Circle Collage

So Wassily Kandinsky is one of my favorite artists and this lesson came about because I wanted to do something with the kids based upon this painting- Farbstudie Quadrate. 

Since we are always practicing fine motor skills and trying new ways of using materials I thought it would be good to use a torn paper approach to this project.

This is a lot of prep work on the part of the teacher but the end results make all the work well worth it! 

Materials needed:
You will need about 20-30 pieces in various colors of construction paper for each student. 
One large piece of drawing paper or construction paper.  I use a 12 x 18 piece of construction paper.

How to Make Your Kandinsky Torn Paper Collage:
First, glue down 6 or 8 of the small pieces of construction paper so that the background is colorful. 
Next, tear eight large circle-ish shapes out of the small pieces of construction paper.  I have the kids fold their paper in half and then tear a half circle on the fold.  This works better than just trying to tear a circle out of a piece of paper!
Repeat the folding and tearing creating smaller and smaller circles.
I tell the kids to pick different colors so that each rectangle has a layer of various colors on it.  For example, don't use pink on pink (unless the shades are different of course!). 
Finally, using oil pastels we added a little more color to our layers. 

Here are a few of the finished pieces:

I want to try this as a painting lesson but I haven't done it yet.  Maybe this year.....

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